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Advanced TRS-
The Detox That Changed My Life!

My story....
As I write this, It's been an entire year that I've been living symptom free. I've come such a long way and I am so very grateful. . Prior to trying TRS I was being screened for lung cancer, thyroid cancer, and breast cancer. I had chest X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and bloodwork drawn. NO doctor, specialist, holistic, or natural doctor could explain or heal my symptoms. No one could figure out the cause. What I thought started out as maybe allergies turned into a 2 year journey with absolutely no explanation of why I couldn't take a full breath in my lungs and why when I would talk, I couldn't get more than 2 words out without a cough. 
Two years into my lung concerns, my family and I started the journey of a HUGE life change. We were preparing to move 800 miles away from home, leaving everything we'd ever known. My mother had just revealed that she was being monitored for lung cancer due to a strange growth her doctors had discovered.  And I had just received a Melanoma diagnosis from a mole my dermatologist had biopsied. I googled symptoms of people with melanoma and was surprised to see that lung issues were top on the list- and I got real concerned. That's when all those tests I mentioned started. I had the mole removed and they successfully removed it all so I was melanoma free. But my lung issues continued. 
At this point we had sold our home, and were in the end stages of getting ready to move to South Carolina. And with the news of my mom, that's when all those intense tests started. My husband and I agreed that we couldn't leave if I had any kind of lung or thyroid cancer too. I had some concerning nodules so we asked my doctors to rush a bunch of tests. 
On my car ride to get one of my X-rays, I was praying and asking God what I should do. I had been wanting to try TRS for that entire 2 years but was so scared of detox symptoms. A few months back, I had convinced myself I'd wait until the move was done and we were settled before I'd try it. But that day I had a strong sense that I shouldn't wait. This might sound strange, but God works in amazing ways. Shortly after my prayer, my phone dinged that I had a message. It was a (now) sweet friend of mine I had met over social media who had been following my story. She told me the Lord had put me on her heart and she wanted to send me a free bottle of TRS. I knew it was a sign. I accepted her offer and also went home and ordered 3 bottles more to get me started on this detox. But I waited to take it til my tests were done. 
My tests came back negative for EVERYthing. But I still had all those lung issues. I began taking TRS and within 5 days I noticed a change. 7 full days in and my symptoms were completely GONE. My family and I felt confident to proceed with our move and I looked at this as one of God's greatest blessings! I finished out my full 6 months of detox and continued with a spray or two at night for maintenance for a month or two. To this day, I remain symptom free. You can watch my celebration reel here!!
I share this not as some magic cure, but as an option for you if you've been considering detox. I had no idea the depth of healing I'd receive, but everyone has different experiences and lengths of time before you see change. Please know that certain toxins are stored in certain areas of the body that might take 6, 8, 12 months to release. And that's OK. You want to give TRS a full chance to continue working the way it was designed to do and flush those deeply set toxins out. It's worth it for ANYone to try TRS and experience change. Serious health issues or not, we're exposed to harmful toxins every day and also have toxins passed down generationally through our DNA. 
Back when I started my wellness journey I didn't fully understand the importance of detoxing my body outside of switching out harmful products and eliminating controllable exposures to things for our family. But I was missing this AMAZING option we all could use to rid us of bioaccumulation and what we'd been exposed to generationally.
What do I mean? Let's dive in! 

Did you know....
We carry the same toxins within our body's that our parents and grandparents were exposed to? What bioaccumulated in their body's passed on to us generationally in our DNA. On top of that, we are exposed DAILY to toxins in our environment no matter how careful or holistic we are.  Things like contaminants in the foods we eat, the va((ine's we've received, the water we drink and more. If we don't flush it out and purge it from our body-it just sits there, and get's passed on to our kiddos at birth as well. 
It took me a cancer diagnosis to finally decide it was time to purge my body of all the excess junk it hid inside. But friend, don't wait til you have that kind of diagnosis. TRS Heavy Metal Detox is something EVERY single one of us can take and see a world of difference in the way our body functions. 

What isTRS and How Does it Work?

TRS is short for “Advanced Toxin and contaminants Removal System"and is a safe and gentle heavy metal detox. TRS is a clinoptilolite (lab grown zeolite) and it is bound to water in a tasteless spray. Clinoptilolite (TRS) is shaped like a cage and is one of only a few minerals in nature that carries a negative charge. It’s this amazing combination that allows the zeolite to travel anywhere in the body-including across the blood-brain barrier and capture toxic, heavy metals containing a high positive charge (like mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, barium, thorium, cadmium, uranium and others, as well as pesticides and radiation too!).  



Once the toxins are trapped in the zeolite's cage, it is almost impossible for them to escape this bond. (It takes over 900° F to break the bond!!) Once absorbed into the zeolite cage, the metals are removed and cannot be deposited in other areas of the body. They are then gently removed from your body in your urine. It's super easy and very effective! 

TRS differs from other forms of chelation as the heavy metals are absorbed inside the cage (not stuck to the outside) and are therefore inside the zeolites negative charge field. Because of this, the metals are essentially neutralized and can not cause any other damage to surrounding tissue during the removal process.  The removal of heavy metals can be accomplished much faster than any other form of chelation.

TRS is incredibly fast-acting and is completely removed from the blood in 5-7 hours.  In turn, so are the trapped toxins and heavy metals! TRS is removed through normal bodily processes and due to it neutralizing, by removing toxic materials, it greatly reduces the burden on the liver and the kidneys. TRS is so small that the kidneys don’t have to filter them; that’s how gentle this method of detoxing is.


What types of things does TRS Address within the body? 

So so much, sweet friend. Things like depression and better sleep, to hormones, leaky gut, autoimmune disorders, the toxic burdens from va((ines, psoriasis, adrenal fatigue, thyroid health, parasites, radiation exposure, mold exposure, brain function and SO MUCH MORE. I'll outline a few with descriptions below....

Common signs of metal toxicity that may see improvement while using TRS are things like: 

  • Chronic and Frequent Feelings of Fatigue, Illness & Discomfort

  • Chronic Pain, mainly in the tendons, throughout the muscles or soft-tissues of the body.

  • Brain Fog (feeling confused or forgetful

  • Digestive Issues like constipation, bloating, gas, diarrhea, heartburn or indigestion.

  • Dizziness

  • Migraines or Headaches

  • Mood Swings

  • Visual Disturbances

  • Depression or Anxiety

  • Nervous System Disorders including numbness, tingling, burning or paralysis in the extremities 

  • Female Reproductive issues like infertility, miscarriage and menstrual problems

  • Speech Problems. 

Are there detox symptoms?


Because TRS is eliminated from the body within 5-7 hours it does not affect any organs, nor does it accumulate in the body. This makes it safe for long term use. While some detox symptoms may occur, this is normal and should be expected in any toxin elimination process. Some symptoms you may experience are headaches, mood swings, passing parasites, changes in sleep patterns (initially).


However, there ARE things you can do to lessen the detox load!! 

  • Drink PLENTY of water

  • Take Detox baths (mix up some Epsom salts, baking soda & YL essential oils)

  • Eliminate or lessen dairy, meat or gluten consumption.

  • Increase veggies

  • Get some extra rest! 


Where do I get TRS?

How do I get the “preferred customer” price?

Choose the three pack at retail price to get 3 full bottles at a discounted price of just $150 (this = 3 months worth of your full 6 month detox). This is a great and affordable way to get half of your detox mailed to you. Then choose “autoship” option when checking out. “Autoship” will give you the “preferred customer” price and you can choose your ship date . The autoship is just a great way to save money, ensures you are able to continue your detox without a lapse of time, and does not lock you into anything.  Shipping within the US is $8 (for one bottle or three) and there is no tax on the product. This product ships worldwide. Outside the US, each country may have its own custom fee.

One of the perks I really love is the company's 30 day money back guarantee. The best recommendation is to take advantage of the symptom tracker I'll send in your welcome email so you can document all the symptoms you have and when they went away. The recommended amount of time spent on your initial detox is 6 months, but you should notice improvements within the first 30 days. Advanced TRS believes in this so much, they will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied.


What do you have to lose? How much LIFE do you and your family have to gain? 

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