Do you need vision?
One of the top scriptures that comes to mind when I think of vision is from Hosea 4:6, which says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge". And while this isn't talking about knowledge or vision for your business, this concept is still a practical piece of wisdom that can propel you to seek wisdom, vision, and knowledge from God in all that you pursue in order to avoid defeat.
So yes, you NEED vision for your business. In fact, you can't afford NOT to have it. God says to, "Write the vision, make it clear on tablets so he who reads it may RUN with it."
Without Vision:
You have no clear direction on where to go
No confidence in your abilities
No specific plan on how to attain what you try and do
No idea on the proper steps to take
Your messaging is not clear
You can't invite people along with you b/c you don't know how
to express that vision
You create confusion with your target market, which therefore creates a lack of trust
...and so much more!
You'd also be failing at stewardship if you don't pursue it.
Often, in business or life in general, those without vision in their call and purpose -even just for their daily lives- are Christians living in defeat because they either deny their gifts or the power of the Holy Spirit.

In contrast?
Those who create vision through co-purposing with the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit can then attain understanding of HOW to use their spiritual gifts and rely on the power of God to fill in for them through their own weaknesses. ("For My power is made perfect in your weaknesses"- 2 Corinthians 12:9. Also, think what God did for Moses even with his stuttering speech!)
The truth is, if you start taking action without understanding why you're taking action, your action steps and the things you do are really done in vain. Likely, you're going to revert right back to the same patterns you had before you started since you don't understand what it is that you are working toward.

Because I know how impactful creating vision can be and how simple it is to attain it, I recorded a podcast episode specifically for YOU!
Some of the key things I cover in the episode are:
What it means to become a visionary
What happens when you lack vision
Walking in Purpose with God
My Top 5 Ways to Create Vision for Your Business!
In it, I cover simple biblical business strategy to co-purpose with God and simplify your business. We start the process with some quick wins in the busiest and most important areas of your life to show you what's possible, even with the smallest steps!
A few years ago, I found myself drowning in the overwhelm. I felt like my home, schedule, business, heart and mind were filled to the brim. Instead of living my life, I was merely managing all the things in it.
Then, I learned the keys to avoid all these things-and you can too!
Take a listen to today's podcast episode and click this link to download the FREE GUIDE that I mentioned earlier. I know that with these tactics in place, your business will achieve success and your daily life will be structured with rhythms and holy habits that allow you to master success there too!
Cheering you on in Him!
xx, Krista